How many of the 26 000 to 52,000 died because they didnt take the flu vaccine. Or caught the flu from people who wouldn't take the vaccine. You can't say with any certainty.
Also, this is not the flu. Covid deaths in the US are above 500,000. So please stop comparing the two. Let's leave the discussion to Covid and its vaccine.
steering back into original post lane:
more bold predictions
(6) won't be a difficult time getting a hotel room this year YAY. (7) will be SO nice in the exhibit hall not being crammed in there like little sardines. I miss the earlier days of not insanely packed wall to wall stinky people (I mean that in a nice loving way, i love my gencon'rs) (8) I think there is lots of room for creativity with social distance, I think gencon is a very smart and creative organization and will have lots of surprises to rewards its faithful attendees (9) after making vaccinations a requirement, 13,126 more people will get vaccinated that normally would have, which exponentially ends up saving the lives of 1,398 people worldwide. thanks gencon! (10) Gencon makes their slogan this year: FOR SCIENCE! (11) Instead of a parade this year, Gencon takes pictures of random participants walking the halls, and will put them on their website asking for votes. one will be voted, and will win a badge for next year. It will be a female that wins. They will have a very elaborate costume that defies description. They are 23. They are from Minnesota. This is not their first gencon.
Another thread is covering that...while it lasts at least so take those discussions there please....
I kind of like the bold predictions thread and don't want to lock it!
Number 6 and 8 are true!
[This post has been removed]
#14 is absolutely true - Mike, thanks for all you do
(17) Masks will not be required for vaccinated individuals (5.5 months away, they're supposed to be bold predictions, so...) (18) Attendance capped at 25,000, (which is also what it was the first year at Indy) (19) Some local establishment picks up where The Ram and Scotty's left off as the Gen Con themed spot (20) More people attend in-person in Indianapolis than do so via the online option and, most importantly of all, (21) I keep my streak intact and attend my 36th consecutive Gen Con (I still get to count last year, right?)
Yeah Fethbone, the Auction has been virtually crying out for a bigger space for ages, so it would certainly make sense for it to finally happen in order to facilitate it actually being able to occur.
Now for one of my own bold predictions.. His excellency, the Almighty Cthullu, will be happy with all the gamers that do show up!
Bold Prediction (really a wish list) additions...
- Proof of bathing within the last 24 hours required upon entry into any GenCon facility - Deodorant required to be on-person at all times - Backpacks as large as a medium-sized child not allowed in the Vendor hall - No sleeping in the common areas of the convention center
Yes, being smart-alecy but also really, really, really wish they were implemented.
My bold prediction, 1)The aisleways in the dealer hall will be triple there normal size. Wear as large a backpacks as you want, you will be able to reenact "the hills are alive with song of music.
2) Downtown hotels for everyone.
I think this will be the most unusual and challenging Gen Con to date.
I think this will be an adventure that I know I don't want to miss...
1. No chance. There's to many ways around this, and I think if this convention HAPPENS, we will be near herd immunity.
2. Again no chance. 25%? You think there's only going to be 18,000 people? Here's the thing, as a person who's been some what involved in MANY of the converstaions I think last year, if there magically happened to be a con, you would have had a tiny con. I could tell this just by the conversations online. People were VERY VERY clear they didn't want to go anywhere. Now, many of those people are changing their minds. There's absolutely a decent amount of people now saying they're not coming, and that's perfectly fine, if you don't feel safe please stay home this year. BUT I'm shocked by the number of people who were vocally against it last year, stating they're coming this year. If Gen Con allows it, I wouldn't be surprised to see 40k people.
3. I think this is pretty obviously going to happen.
4. Also agree completely here.
5. MAYBE. I think it just depends where we are by May. Right now we're fully vaccinating ABOUT 1% of the country every other day. So every 2 weeks, we're hitting about 7% of the country. Now if we stayed on that track(which I think it could accelerate, but it could also hit a set back) over the court of a month we will see ABOUT 15% of the country fully vaccinated. Two months 30, three months 45, four months 60. We're at 13% right now. So in 4 months we can easily be right around that 75% number which is really good for herd immunity. We're currently 5 months, 3 weeks away from Gen Con. That gives us an extra month and a half of leeway. SO we'll see where we're at. There's no zero sum. There's no point where covid is just zero, that's not happening in our future IMO.
Another thing I could see happening. Expansion of the exhibit hall. The exhibit hall is the biggest attraction at Gen Con. I could EASILY see it being expanded into the card gaming hall behind the exhibit hall so that you have more space for isles, you have bigger spaces between booths. Ultimately i think this is going to be much like a lot of covid related things over the last few months, 'SUGGESTIONS' rather than enforced rules.
For the other, I assume something like that is likely. I think it's likely that some of the normal vendors/companies aren't going to be there for various reasons so it might be easy-ish to relocate the things that are normally in that connected hall to other areas and expand the dealer's hall (area wise, not content wise) into that area so everything can be more spaced out.
Bold prediction
No special policies will be required or necessary after the government bribes remaining vaccine holdouts over summer and cases become negligible.
Attendance is naturally down as would be expected due to economic or fear issues.
My first Gen Con (the last at the University of Parkside?) had just over 2000 attendees...and I had a blast.
I attended more than a dozen in Milwaukee with 10000-30000 and I had a blast. I have been to the last three in Indy...the last two sell outs with well over 100,000 attendees....and we had a blast.
So, no matter what the restrictions we will be there, and we will follow all recommended guidelines . Whatever they impose...we will be there. And I can assure you...we will have a blast! pinhead