Writers Symposium

Gen Con's Writers Symposium program features the best in fiction writing and offers programming that rivals any literary convention. Authors and publishers host panels, seminars, and workshops focused on the craft of writing.

Sign up for Writers Symposium events.

The offerings here are not to be missed by any author or aspiring author—or anyone who loves books! You'll also find programming specifically designed to focus on writing for games.

Highlights include:

  • Over 80 best-selling authors and experts
  • More than 100 events specifically tailored to the art and science of writing
  • Professional grade workshops from top authors

Crafted for Game Writing

While programming differs every year, typical offerings Include:

Author Guests: The Writers Symposium and Gen Con always bring a diverse and noteworthy set of author guests to the show. Our special guests for 2024 are Linda Addison and Mikki Kendall.

You can view the whole guest lineup here.

Book Signings: Many of the authors participating in the Symposium will schedule signing times in the Exhibit Hall and will also have books for sale.

Meet the Writers Party: For several hours one evening, join all your favorite author participants in a book-selling/signing extravaganza! This is not to be missed by the avid book reader/collector.

Late Night D&D: Live Play with the Authors: Authors are gamers, too! Come watch this hilarious event.

Read and Critique: If you're an aspiring writer, these workshops will help you get advice from professional authors to improve your writing.

Check out the Writers Symposium website for more information on this program. The website is updated when program plans have been established and solidified.