Regarding the coronavirus survey, policies need to have no exceptions or they are useless.
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Posted by mikeboozer fiddlemaster

fiddlemaster wrote:
Just reading through this massive thread shows me that I absolutely do not want to go to GenCon because of the back and forth debating over masks and whether we'll be safe and if we should all be forced to have a vaccine before entering.
There are still too many people in America who aren't on the same page with being safe.  That makes me feel I would be absolutely unsafe if I attended GenCon.  Not because I am being careless, but because of the numerous people who still aren't taking the virus seriously and not caring about others or themselves.
What's annoying is now I am at the mercy of GenCon Corp to allow me to get a refund from my 2020 badge that carried over.  It will suck to me if the Con is held anyway regardless of safety or not, and I was forced to just swallow the $120~ badge.
Would be nice if I just got credit for GenCon and I could apply it to 2022's badge.

You can get system credit for your badge now to apply for a future show. It never expires and can be used to buy tickets or badges for any future show.
It is non-refundable or transferable. Just email us: [email protected]

I do urge you to wait a little while to see what decisions we make as they might inform your decision more.


Posted by mikeboozer jillt

jillt wrote:
Does GenCon have a store anymore since those OffWorld Design people went into retirement?  I could always throw in my piddly support for some t-shirts (smiley), especially if they have some general ones that don't have the year that I can wear going forward.

Be assured, we are working on this!


Posted by kar8a

Since you mention making decisions, Mike, is there a rough timeline for when they might come?  In the next day, the next week, in 2 weeks, Apr 1, etc?  It might help bring the "antsy factor" down if people knew when the big calls might be coming (you don't need an exact date and time, just a rough timeline)...

Posted by mikeboozer kar8a

kar8a wrote:
Since you mention making decisions, Mike, is there a rough timeline for when they might come?  In the next day, the next week, in 2 weeks, Apr 1, etc?  It might help bring the "antsy factor" down if people knew when the big calls might be coming (you don't need an exact date and time, just a rough timeline)...

I don't have one, sorry. Just be a patient a little while longer. 


Posted by squirecam kar8a

kar8a wrote:
Since you mention making decisions, Mike, is there a rough timeline for when they might come?  In the next day, the next week, in 2 weeks, Apr 1, etc?  It might help bring the "antsy factor" down if people knew when the big calls might be coming (you don't need an exact date and time, just a rough timeline)...
Gencon 2020 wasn't officially cancelled until May last year. So there is still alot of time between now and this may to make a decision.

Posted by fiddlemaster monkeyknifefight

monkeyknifefight wrote:
If you are concerned about being safe make sure you are vaccinated. If you are still worried about being safe after that, there isn't much anyone can do to help you. You have to do that yourself. 

Myself is not the concern.  We are still to wear masks and stay distanced even after being fully vaccinated.  I'm concerned about the potential of thousands in attendance not vaccinated and slipping their masks off.

I'm not entirely guaranteed that my vaccination will prevent me from becoming sick.  

So no, it's not me.  It's them I'm worried about at GenCon.  I'm probably going to pass since I just can't see how they can guarantee my safety from reckless attendees.

Posted by squirecam fiddlemaster

fiddlemaster wrote:
monkeyknifefight wrote:
If you are concerned about being safe make sure you are vaccinated. If you are still worried about being safe after that, there isn't much anyone can do to help you. You have to do that yourself. 

Myself is not the concern.  We are still to wear masks and stay distanced even after being fully vaccinated.  I'm concerned about the potential of thousands in attendance not vaccinated and slipping their masks off.I'm not entirely guaranteed that my vaccination will prevent me from becoming sick.  
So no, it's not me.  It's them I'm worried about at GenCon.  I'm probably going to pass since I just can't see how they can guarantee my safety from reckless attendees.
Gencon will comply with the ICC policies which still requires masks and social distancing at this time.,markers%20in%20hallways%20and%20corridors

Posted by fiddlemaster squirecam

squirecam wrote:
=inheritGencon will comply with the ICC policies which still requires masks and social distancing at this time.,markers%20in%20hallways%20and%20corridors
There is no way they are going to be able to regulate that unless they have only a couple hundred attendees with dozens of staff personnel all over the place.  It simply can't be done.

I've been to events with a fraction of what GenCon will probably allow and they had absolutely no way of keeping everyone masked at all times.  The last event I went to had 1,400 and there were plenty pulling their masks down once inside.

Posted by donaldbain squirecam

squirecam wrote:Gencon 2020 wasn't officially cancelled until May last year. So there is still alot of time between now and this may to make a decision.
That was to cancel something already in motion.  As mentioned, companies need time to get resources together if there is going to a Gen Con.  If they wait until mid-May this year, there may not be enough time to pull everything together from scratch. 

Posted by mumsnarf squirecam

How the heck am I going to speed paint with a mask on? Need to design one with a brush licking valve or something. 

Posted by squirecam fiddlemaster

fiddlemaster wrote:
squirecam wrote:
=inheritGencon will comply with the ICC policies which still requires masks and social distancing at this time.,markers%20in%20hallways%20and%20corridors
There is no way they are going to be able to regulate that unless they have only a couple hundred attendees with dozens of staff personnel all over the place.  It simply can't be done.I've been to events with a fraction of what GenCon will probably allow and they had absolutely no way of keeping everyone masked at all times.  The last event I went to had 1,400 and there were plenty pulling their masks down once inside.
I suspect the ICC would require compliance with its policies by having Gencon provide monitors. The same people who walk around checking badges can check masks too.

Anyone who doesnt want to comply with the policy simply shouldn't go. 

Posted by supremacy

You would think that with vaccinations available you would treat this the same way you would treat any other virus, like the flu ( I know it is not the same). If the science states that there is still significant risk with the virus, live new strains that the vaccine won't prevent, or some other factor, just cancel the event. There is no point in even pretending any policy would stop the spread at an event like gencon. You can barely avoid people and gaming for hours on end, even with a mask would be a high risk of exposure. Sign a waiver and be done with it. 

Posted by matthias9

I would like to rephrase that comment thusly:

If everyone who is willing to get a vaccine has done so and we still cannot have a Con, what will be different by next year?

Posted by insane

i realize this is not realistic especially for the next few committed years.... but maybe consider moving the con to some state that has proven not to impose restrictions?  

Posted by squirecam insane

insane wrote:
i realize this is not realistic especially for the next few committed years.... but maybe consider moving the con to some state that has proven not to impose restrictions?  
Thats not even a remote  possibility. I dont understand why people would want it moved.

Posted by mikeboozer squirecam

squirecam wrote:
insane wrote:
i realize this is not realistic especially for the next few committed years.... but maybe consider moving the con to some state that has proven not to impose restrictions?  
Thats not even a remote  possibility. I dont understand why people would want it moved.

Ah, the ever popular topic of moving. No, were not moving. But to say it is not even remotely possible in the future is just inaccurate.
As to why people want us to move that is a wide and varied story mostly to do with "It would be closer to me".

For now let's leave the topic of moving alone on this thread.



Posted by joho

One of the big things is the ability and willingness of vendors and publishers to attend. 

This recent article from Polygon reporting on Nova's cancellation for 2021 (was gonna be September 1st-5th) states the inability of large vendors (FFG, GW) as a factor. Of course this is more of a tourney con, but companies unable to commit for September could mean 1) they are saving their budgets for a big con (Gencon or Origins) or 2) holding out for later in the year events/next year.

If a tentpole company isn't comfortable committing on an event in ~6months, what are the chances they can commit to an event in ~5months? Not to mention international companies & attendees who will be dealing w/international travel restrictions. No FFG events means maybe no Asmodee, so all those volunteers and the events that they pack will be missing. 

Posted by squirecam joho

joho wrote:
One of the big things is the ability and willingness of vendors and publishers to attend. 
This recent article from Polygon reporting on Nova's cancellation for 2021 (was gonna be September 1st-5th) states the inability of large vendors (FFG, GW) as a factor. Of course this is more of a tourney con, but companies unable to commit for September could mean 1) they are saving their budgets for a big con (Gencon or Origins) or 2) holding out for later in the year events/next year.
If a tentpole company isn't comfortable committing on an event in ~6months, what are the chances they can commit to an event in ~5months? Not to mention international companies & attendees who will be dealing w/international travel restrictions. No FFG events means maybe no Asmodee, so all those volunteers and the events that they pack will be missing. 
Nova had an attendance of 3000 in 2019. With such small attendance, the willingness of companies to attend when their costs are increased due to the pandemic do not make financial sense.

Gencon will have 40,000 or so people willing to attend under whatever restrictions are determined. That may be still financially viable enough to hold the convention. 

I think these circumstances are different. 

Posted by therealeljeffe joho

joho wrote:
One of the big things is the ability and willingness of vendors and publishers to attend. 
This recent article from Polygon reporting on Nova's cancellation for 2021 (was gonna be September 1st-5th) states the inability of large vendors (FFG, GW) as a factor. Of course this is more of a tourney con, but companies unable to commit for September could mean 1) they are saving their budgets for a big con (Gencon or Origins) or 2) holding out for later in the year events/next year.
If a tentpole company isn't comfortable committing on an event in ~6months, what are the chances they can commit to an event in ~5months? Not to mention international companies & attendees who will be dealing w/international travel restrictions. No FFG events means maybe no Asmodee, so all those volunteers and the events that they pack will be missing. 
I could be incorrect, i thought FFG was a US company (not important, cause your point still stands)

Broadly speaking I think if there is a con, we'll have to accept that international attendance will suffer. Which I get sucks, I remember meeting a dude who game from Australia and Im pretty sure bought the entire privateer press stock. Gencon 2021 wont be like 2019, thats just a fact. What I believe is most important is just that we can meet together safely in 2021, and obviously be ready for 2022, when we go hard and its going to be wild.

Posted by joho therealeljeffe

therealeljeffe wrote:
joho wrote:
One of the big things is the ability and willingness of vendors and publishers to attend. 
This recent article from Polygon reporting on Nova's cancellation for 2021 (was gonna be September 1st-5th) states the inability of large vendors (FFG, GW) as a factor. Of course this is more of a tourney con, but companies unable to commit for September could mean 1) they are saving their budgets for a big con (Gencon or Origins) or 2) holding out for later in the year events/next year.
If a tentpole company isn't comfortable committing on an event in ~6months, what are the chances they can commit to an event in ~5months? Not to mention international companies & attendees who will be dealing w/international travel restrictions. No FFG events means maybe no Asmodee, so all those volunteers and the events that they pack will be missing. 
I could be incorrect, i thought FFG was a US company (not important, cause your point still stands)Broadly speaking I think if there is a con, we'll have to accept that international attendance will suffer. Which I get sucks, I remember meeting a dude who game from Australia and Im pretty sure bought the entire privateer press stock. Gencon 2021 wont be like 2019, thats just a fact. What I believe is most important is just that we can meet together safely in 2021, and obviously be ready for 2022, when we go hard and its going to be wild.
FFG is a subsidary of Asmodee based in the US, but Asmodee at large is a French/EU company.

I'd imagine vendors and companies are being pretty careful about their plans in 2021, where they are going to spend and what to prioritize. more of a reply to the comment before your's Jeffe- I know Nova is a smaller con, but it is a month past and possibly a smaller lift to put together a presence for vs. Gencon. What the article shows is that the large companies that run multiple booths and events at these conventions are not making definitive plans for an event that comes right at the end of summer, which could mean Gencon is more of a focus for what little attention and resources they are willing to risk OR that they are putting plans on ice until the economic and national health landscape is clearer.

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