Anyone have any juicy rumors on possible releases?
It's early. So far, the only RPG release that I'm tracking is Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game which was recently announced as a Gen Con release.
Assume Ravensburger's Disney Lorcana will be a big one.
Looks like I heard rumors that it will be released next month.
Probably most looking forward to Lorcana and Freelancers so far. It's still super early though.
[This post has been removed]
Coming out in August at Gen Con
I'm really hoping Japanime Games has the Granblue Fantasy Tactics game ready for GenCon.
I am tracking all potential new releases here:
I like to use the Gen Con Preview list on boardgamegeek: Gen Con 2023 Preview They do a good job of getting in touch with the publishers and finding out what's new at Gen Con every year.
There's also a meta-list of all the lists related to Gen Con: Gen Con 2023 Meta List
To answer my own question, it looks like there will be both game sessions and seminars for the new Marvel Multiverse RPG. These are being run by World of Game Design, whose seminars will feature both Matt Forbeck (lead designer) and CJ Cervantes (project lead), so that's looks as official as you could get!