EO/GM Email: GM Badges Printing Soon, Reminder About Tickets & Player Badges
Posted by derekguder

GM Badges Printing Wednesday, July 26
If you want your GM badges printed and ready for you to pick up when you get to GM HQ on Wednesday at the convention, make sure that you have assigned badges to all of your GMs by midnight on Tuesday, July 25. Any badges assigned after that point may need to be printed and sorted onsite, which could mean your badges won't be available until late on Wednesday or even Thursday morning, depending on volume. Plan accordingly.

If you have already assigned your badges, double check that all the names are correct and badges are in the correct accounts. If you need to make any adjustments, including dropping badges for GMs who can no longer attend, let us know ASAP so we can make those adjustments before they are printed.

If you have not yet requested your GM badge allocation or are not sure how to assign your badges, refer to the instruction on the Host page and fill out the GM badge allocation request form. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues with the process.

Turn In Event Tickets Early & Often
Please try to sort and turn in event tickets for your event as quickly as you are able to during the convention - please don't wait until Sunday to hand them over at a busy GM HQ. Remember, you can drop them off at any event HQ, whether in a hotel or event hall, near your hotel room or your event.

We will also try to stop by major group and company HQs to pro-actively ask for tickets, but we can't guarantee when we will be able to do that, so turn in what you can when you can. If you are still counting and processing your own tickets, you should keep them until you are done.

If you want to prepare your own ticket labels in advance, you can download the template here.

If you have any questions about the policy or process on how to turn tickets in for accurate attendance counts, please [email protected] so we can brief you and sort everything out.

Reminder: All Players Need a Valid Badge
Remember, all players need a valid badge for the day any event is happening in order to participate in it. This is going to be particularly important this year since we are sold out of 4-day and Saturday badges (and Sunday looks like it will sell out soon, too).

Our security will be patrolling around, checking on events - just like normal. If players are found without badges (or we can't clearly see them), they will be required to present a badge or leave the event, causing a disruption. To avoid that and keep the focus on the game, just make sure everyone has a badge and it's out while they're playing.

This also applies to GMs and event staff: everyone needs a valid badge at Gen Con, without exception.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, or notice anyone abusing the policy, let us know - just stop by an HQ or walk up to any of our event staff.

Posted by garhkal

Kind of figured that last one was coming, what with all the sell outs...

Posted by derekguder

Well it's not like it's a new policy - Ivan is famous for going around an catching folks without badges, but it seemed prudent to try to drive it home again.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by garhkal

I know its not new, its just been rarely enforced..  ANd with the lots of people this year, it did seem prudent to make sure people knew it was gonna be enforced.

Posted by derekguder

We enforce it. I've had to remove both players and even a few GMs from their games because they didn't have a valid badge.

This is just a reminder that GMs should be checking before they start their games to avoid a potential disruption when it's already underway. Better to wait 15 minutes before the game starts for someone to go grab the badge they forgot in their hotel room than to have it come up right in the middle of a climactic fight, when our security staff are hanging out to confirm. That just wastes everyone's time.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by garhkal

True that...  True that.

BUT if everyone else's there, and the person's over that time, wouldn't it just be best for the DM to start anyway??

Posted by stahlnee garhkal

garhkal wrote:
True that...  True that.
BUT if everyone else's there, and the person's over that time, wouldn't it just be best for the DM to start anyway??
The DM should start as soon as practical. Someone have to go get there badge will just miss the part of time when they are not there

Same as if one player needs a bathroom break. You keep going.

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