Add event/Open Gaming
Posted by horusii

New to running games at Gencon, although I have been running at other cons for years.  My three Shadows of Brimstone games sold out in 30min...getting request for additional slots or two questions: 1. can I submit another game? 2. are there tables I can use for open games? 

Posted by derekguder

  1. Absolutely. Go ahead and submit new events - we continue to accept events as long as we have the time and capacity to do so, though remember late events are dealt with after we tackle other stuff, so new events aren't dealt with immediately. I'd also encourage avoiding "prime time" during the day, if you can - it's always easier to accommodate evening events.

  2. There are no dedicated open gaming tables in the main event areas, but if you have a group of friends/players and want to sit down to play at that time, you can ask any event HQ to confirm which tables in their area are available for however long your game will last.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by horusii

Added another, for Thursday Night at 8pm!  How long before it makes it through the process? 

Posted by derekguder

"As soon as we have a chance to go through late events..."

It's hard to predict, as something always comes up. We're hoping to get through as many late events before pre-reg closes, though.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by horusii

Thanks! Whatever you can's a duplicate of my Friday event and later in the evening. If that helps. I have several people begging me to run another...

Posted by horusii

Last question...I see several people talking about GM Badges? I paid for my four day pass...did I need to do that? is there any benefit for running games? I assumed I was doing it all Gratis...

Posted by derekguder

You'll want to read the Event Host Policy (something you'll want to do before submitting or running anything anyway).

If you run a sufficient number of events, you can get a refund for your badge after the convention (if you're an independent GM) or get a complimentary badge before the show (if you're running events as a group or company, under a name/brand of some kind).

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC


Posted by horusii

Thanks Derek! I suppose I shouldve read I recall I think I skimmed it...Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to running at Gen Con

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