New to running games at Gencon, although I have been running at other cons for years. My three Shadows of Brimstone games sold out in 30min...getting request for additional slots or two questions: 1. can I submit another game? 2. are there tables I can use for open games?
Added another, for Thursday Night at 8pm! How long before it makes it through the process?
"As soon as we have a chance to go through late events..."
It's hard to predict, as something always comes up. We're hoping to get through as many late events before pre-reg closes, though.
- Derek Guder Event Manager Gen Con LLC
Thanks! Whatever you can's a duplicate of my Friday event and later in the evening. If that helps. I have several people begging me to run another...
Last question...I see several people talking about GM Badges? I paid for my four day pass...did I need to do that? is there any benefit for running games? I assumed I was doing it all Gratis...
You'll want to read the Event Host Policy (something you'll want to do before submitting or running anything anyway).
If you run a sufficient number of events, you can get a refund for your badge after the convention (if you're an independent GM) or get a complimentary badge before the show (if you're running events as a group or company, under a name/brand of some kind).
Thanks Derek! I suppose I shouldve read I recall I think I skimmed it...Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to running at Gen Con