Question Regarding Scheduling Back to Back Events
Posted by jerrytel 9 years agoon 12/16/2015 at 1:50 PM

So we are running Circus Imperium again which takes a bit of set-up. If we are running back-to-back events, can we schedule an hour break (say 10-2 then 3-7) and be able to have the same table so we do not need to tear down? Or should we simply schedule with no break and then that would more than likely ensure the table not changing?


Posted by derekguder 9 years agoon 12/16/2015 at 6:18 PM

You can schedule a break. By default, I try to keep all events for a gaming group or individual on the same tables over the weekend if I can, or at least all events on the same day I try to keep on the same tables, so it should be good.

Wouldn't hurt to note under Special Requests that you want to keep the same table if you have any materials that you set up and need to leave up from one evnet to the next.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

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