wildcat78 wrote:
Gencon must ensure the safest environment possible for 2022:
Mandatory vaccinations which means original 2 shots plus 2 boosters (by Aug 2022, this will be realistic). It maybe necessary to have 3 boosters - this is for ALL attendees, including children 2 and up.
PLUS mandate the last shot/booster be no more than 3-4 months aged.
PLUS require variant-specific boosters (omicron may need a specific booster).
PLUS mandatory rapid test at badge pick up (15
minutes to test on-site, if they can do it in airports, gencon can do it)
PLUS mandatory masking like last for everyone 2 and up.
PLUS social distancing, table
limits, sanitizer stations, cleaning, etc…
PLUS no exceptions or exemptions to the policy - NONE. The safety of the community supersedes any personal medical or religious situations.
Nothing short of this will ensure a safe and enjoyable convention for the community.
Happy Holidays and stay safe everyone!
Wow, not really thinking out the ramifications here.
1. Mandatory vaccinations to attend would mean a massive portion of the Gencon pop. could not or would not attend. Right now only about 62% have the vax. What's better, you requiring the main shot plus 2 booster, which only about 25% of the population have gotten, the Con would likely be called off with only 17,500 people attending out of a normal 70,000. Yea the con could go bankrupt with those requirement. And yes I've listened to other cons this last year requiring the proof of vax to attend, and they have mentioned they lost money due to lower attendance.
2. Mandatory rapid test at badge pick up. Where to start. Gencon operates on volunteers. Many of whom have very basic training. Lets give them these test kits and jab people up their noses and not cause injuries or mess them up. I mean, it's not like we live in a law suit happy society that sue for a hang nail. Or make a long process to get badges take even longer.
3. Mandatory masking like last for everyone 2 and up. The masking part may be around for a couple more cons. But any parent will tell you, trying to get a toddler to wear a mask is like trying to give a cat a bath.