Dates: Aug 3, 2016 - Aug 8, 2016
I saw someone else had a similar room available also. We had a spare room and ended up not needing it and i missed the deadline to give it up without being charged one night. It is not to far away from the convention center. a good choice if you are going to be in Indy Wednesday and may leave on Monday (vendor/artist) Let me know if you are interested. Thank you for your time.

I am well thank you. The amount for the room is $177 a night for a total with tax for the 5 nights $1,035.45 it would be less if you do not stay Sunday night. I hope this is a good fit for you and you can help me out with it.

I may be intersested in this! Is that the price for an empty room? I would just need Wed-Sun.
I currently have one, but its much more pricey and I'm not sure I can afford it anymore since my friend backed out.
Let me know if its available.

Yes that is empty I am staying elsewhere. It would be less then with $177 off plus less the tax for that night.

ok thanks. I will let you know asap. I am just waiting on word from my friend.
you can email me at for quicker response.

This room is still available. If needed.

Do you know if Wednesday night can be dropped as well as Sunday night? If so I would be interested. Please email me at (See Edit)
Edit: Email switched to gmail. If this room is still available please email me at ultrathrok AT

Thank you...I no longer need a room.