I am so ready to be done with the housing fun tomorrow; I am completely anxious about it. Once that is taken care of, I feel like I can really start planning. We have back-up hotels reserved, but are going to try for something better tomorrow. I need to be certain where I am staying so I can start planning what costumes we want to bring.
Anyone else feeling like this?
I am guessing you're not alone. I know our group has thought that if we don't get downtown hotel we may just cancel. I couldn't get a downtown hotel through the block last year and it was aweful. There's just no place to park in downtown. We're starting to think another con might be a good choice.
So guys, I know you get anxious about it, and believe me, I get that, I've been there.
I will say that last year, on Friday particularly, locals even told me it was the worst they've ever had in terms of parking; Friday was us, and the One Direction concert, and something else, I forget what, downtown.
Anyhow, parking should not be as bad this year; as far as I know there's nothing going on at Lucas Oil except us of course. :)
That said, please please don't consider it the end of the world if you don't get a hotel room downtown tomorrow. Keep checking back here on the forums, and the site, where people will drop rooms.
And if you are at a non downtown hotel, please know that I don't think the parking will be as crazy this year as it was last year. :)
We also have a backup hotel reserved. I'm still hoping for a block room because only block reservations are eligible for GM reimbursement. If we get shut out, it will cost me an extra $200. Between that and hoping our other GMs get the rooms they want, I'm a little nervous.
A little nervous, but after staying offsite last year (AirBnB house 10 miles out), I'm less worried about not getting a downtown hotel. I've got a backup reservation 10 miles out in East Indy (with free self park so we won't pay for parking twice each day :p), so whatever happens tomorrow, we'll still have a good time. Good luck!
We had great luck with the lottery last year and the year before that we saved money and stayed in a hotel 20 minutes away. We had fun both times and will have fun again, whatever happens. :)
My spot in the lottery was so bad last year that my two friends had time to both book their rooms, call me, arrange to transfer me one, and then go have dinnner before I could even get in. Anxious this year as I'm the only one booking this time around, yes. :D
Sunday badges are not listed for purchase on the purchase page. Can one buy a single badge for Sunday?