Whew! I just finished getting scheduled. In total, I think I spent about 7 hours on building my wishlist, and follow-up after the initial round of processing to fill in some blocks I didn't get on the first try. How about you? Did you spend considerable time on planning your visit to the Con?
I spent about 4 hours on my initial Wishlist, then another hour waiting for it to be processed before spending a further 1.5 hours finding events to replace the events I couldn't initially get into.
Pretty sure I'm done now. I've left (big) gaps to visit the trade hall, to get to events/have meal & lavatory breaks, and for random games/demos that might pique my interest while I'm there. I only have one set of back-to-back games; I'm hoping they're not too far apart!
I typed a few keywords in to check on Cthulhu events and 50th anniversary events, probably about 10 minutes for my wishlist. Longer than most years by about 10 minutes, haha.
Gosh, I feel weird. I have been working on mine for a week, seeing what interests me, and constructing a plan. I wasn’t able to volunteer this year, so I had a couple blank days to fill.
Basically spent about a day and a half looking through everything making a list of possible ideas.
Then we sat down Sunday morning and got a tentative schedule together with back ups figured out. It took about 4 hours. Part of the problem was the system was running so slow. I guess I should just be glad it was working at all. I was worried I wasn’t going to get my wishlist finished in time, but I did with 3 minutes left on the clock.
Then, I ended up spending around another 5 hours Sunday afternoon, rearranging and adding stuff to fill in holes or grab up something someone put back that I missed out on initially. I never expected it was going to end up taking so much time to get it all done. Did break for lunch in there, though.
Pretty happy with my schedule. Managed to leave most of Thursday and Friday open and still got in most everything we wanted to do plus time to sleep and eat, and I’ve still got a couple spots open in case something new gets added that I’m interested in.
Longer than I normally have done in the past. My favorite games are usually hosted in the Stadium and JW Marriott so I had to work my schedule so I DIDN'T walk between the 2 locations more than once per day.
Several hours updating the hotel list for this year (I have a full spreadsheet with a variety of information). Reserved an out of block room the day before the lottery which was good because it was completely sold out by my time slot.
Several more hours working on event Wish List, looking up games on BGG, coordinating with friends and family. Got a good time slot so didn't have any rearranging to do! Will spend another hour or so making an Excel schedule with my, my husband's and our nephews events listed the week before the con.
I will also spend all day Tuesday of con week cooking and preparing food to take as I'm hypoglycemic and need 6 meals/day with protein and no sugar, so I take most of my own food.
All the planning makes the time actually there more enjoyable so it's worth it!
I'm going with other people, which makes planning a bit more difficult since some events we would like to do together. So there was some back and forth on...let me know what you would particularly like to do so I can check it out, are you interested in doing A with me or not?...so we could get wish lists synched up (we all got bad slots so that didn't end up mattering much). 1 hr
Pulled up the excel spreadsheet and did searches on key words until it seemed like I had a good assortment of random stuff. used the event tool to check out some of the smaller categories like film fest, supplemental, LARP. 2 hr
Wrote down all the possibilities with time/locations, then made a 1st choice list and backup list, making sure that I wasn't having to go from Embassy Suites/Westin/wherever to the Stadium in zero minutes or multiple times a day. Made sure there was time for food twice a day. This was the most time consuming part, because a lot of interesting events had to be cut due to time/sanity constraints. 3 hr
On "push the button!" day, spent 1 hour madly scrambling to try to get an actual schedule together after most things on my list were sold out before my slot came up. Regretted not fitting in a couple more options for my top 2 events on the wish list. Will go 1st/2nd/3rd choices next year. Things were very much in flux for a while so if I'd had more time to stalk I would have, but the timing was really bad with other commitments.
So probably about 7 hours total, less than previous years when our group was not all age 21+.
30 minutes maybe. I just don't care what I play at Gencon as long as I'm playing something. Less stress with picking over the remains than fretting about if I'll get a spot in an event that only has 5 slots for 70K people.
I plan the weeks coming up, and then after we get events I start to go through filling in holes and figuring out how to get the most gaming in that I can. I still check events a few times a week and see if something has opened up or been added that I might want over another event.
4-5 hours of planning for me. Had a rough year as we didn't get but 1 event.