The new dark look of the forums is difficult for my (old, weak) eyes to read. Is there a setting where I can turn it back to the previous light color? I did a quick look through 'My Profile' and couldn't find it.

I must agree. While the color scheme is nice, it is difficult to read.

I also agree. Not a fan of the color scheme, it makes me think of dial-up modems and GeoCities.

Something with the formatting definitely seems off. Everything seems to run together. There needs to be more differentiation between replies. Maybe they are going for an old school feel?

I'm sure that Gen Con put a lot of thought and effort into the new site look. Yet many sites with a 'dark' look also offer a toggle switch to change to a 'light' look. I'm just asking if that's possible for the forums, since I have difficulty reading them now. (As an aside, subscribing to this topic and having the replies come in via email has made reading easier, if also a bit clunkier.)
Regarding the replies running together, I am not seeing that. However, I generally access the forums on a desktop. Perhaps it appears differently on a mobile device.

Something with the formatting definitely seems off. Everything seems to run together. There needs to be more differentiation between replies. Maybe they are going for an old school feel?