D&D Games Added
Posted by wavester

It doesn't happen often but sometimes the stars align and a Festivus for the Rest of Us happens in July.

We have added some Bibgy's - Glory of the Giant sneak peak preview events to the event catalog (and they haven't sold out yet). Get a 16th level character and do your best to not get squashed in a 4-hour adventure of should I saw Giant proportions. 


Posted by aldctjoc

Dammit... I'd be all over this, save for the fact I've already filled my schedule out. :(

Run some high level character games next year with pre-gens (since I'm not in the Adventurer's League) and I'm in.

Posted by mrbreaker

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Posted by hendy

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Posted by angel17

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Posted by biowed

Your work is very good and I appreciate you and hopping for some more informative posts.
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