Has anyone heard if they will be back this year? Thanks
I spoke to one of the chaps via reddit a few months back, the cost of both exhibit space and lorry rental is just too much for them right now, they were looking for a sponsor to cover the cost bit hadn't got one when I spoke to him.
Thanks for the reply. Thats a bummer if they can't make it. I always enjoyed those pods.
Agreed, the Battletech Pods along with Cardhalla are things I have never interacted with that nonetheless I was always excited to see as part of the Gen-Con Ambiance. I do hope they find a way to return.
Wait -- Cardhalla isn't happening this year?
Oh I just meant I never interact with those two things and I hoped "they" being the Battletech Pods people return, sorry :)
No BattleTech pods this year? So much sadness, I loved those so much!
Huh, you would think Catalyst would help support them as they can serve as a gateway to the tabletop game.
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