New to Gen Con (and Game Cons in General)
Posted by zombcreepr

I have an opportunity to go to Gen Con this year and was hoping some of the seasoned veterans answer a few questions...

My plan is to bring my college age son along with me (who plays fewer games than I do but has an interest) in case that affects the answers.

1) This will be my first gaming convention of any sort. I do play a fair amount of games, but I feel I am unlikely to be super familiar with the vast range of games being played. Is Gen Con generally new-player friendly?  Should I be doing game specific research ahead of time?

2) My family and I will already be in the area (not staying downtown).  Will it be easy enough to get dropped off/picked up nearby?

3) I am aware of the event sign up process, but if we don't get what we want (or things I'm familiar with), will it be easy enough to find a welcoming table somewhere?

4) Are there any "must not miss" events or vendors to visit that provide a unique or limited run/promo opportunity?  How do we find out about these as the dates approach?

5) Anything else I should know before we head in blind?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.  I am very much looking forward to it.

Posted by mikeboozer

1. Please look at the Event description, the GM in most cases will tell you if it is for newcomers or an Advanced system.

2. Yes, I suggest the Maryland entrance, you can drive into the area and pick anyone up.

3. There will be open gaming, also events are being added well after Event Reg so you can always look for something daily if you like. People drop their events as well for something else.

4. Really depends on your personal taste. 

5. Make a Wish List for Events and be ready to submit it When Event Reg opens.


Posted by qwaserity

Google "GenCon Advice" and you'll find the rest of what you need to know about GenCon. Your mileage may vary but the most basics will include:

5/2/1: 5 hours of sleep/2 meals/1 shower every day.
We're all in this together so manners and kindness are golden.
Be open minded to trying new games and accepting that you won't get/find everything you want.

Depending on your group, you may also want to google "Travel Advice" about packing meds, accessories, a water bottle and other sundry items. Indianapolis has a great convention center and it's surrounded by businesses that support it but a GenCon vacation can vary from free/cheap to very expensive depending on your taste.

Feel free to continue to ask questions here or on social media. Mike, from above, is official GenCon staff but others here can answer questions as well.

Final advice: GenCon is 183 days away. Start saving a few bucks here and there now and it won't seem like a financial burden. Spreading out the costs makes it less painful. I've already got an AirBNB house for the week at $1,200. Badges, parking and event tickets all go on sale at different times so pick up what you can when it becomes available.

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