Heading North Tuesday, from Dragoncon in Atlanta, I stopped off for the night in Indianapolis. I figured that I could have a quick look around prior to Gencon. For those who were used to having the T.G.I.Friday's attached to the Fairfield hotel, the T.G.I.Friday's management declined to renew their lease and they are not coming back. I.E. - they are closed, with no current restaurant or other type of establishment taking their place. Going way, way, way back in the time machine - how many remember purchasing a "Villa Pizza" refillable plastic cup? I was one who did, and in 2018, the lady there said I was like one of two people who continued to bring my refillable cup. Well, Villa Pizza is now "Bella Pizza." So, I will have to remove my refillable cup from my take to Gencon list - but fear not, pants will remain on my bring to Gencon list. And now you can return back to watching that special on Preparation H.
I love posts like this, so thanks for that update, Al. I did not even know there was a T.G.I. Friday's nearby but I would not be surprised if now I hear people suggesting eating there and I will get to say WELL ACTUALLY IT IS CLOSED
Wow. We stayed at Springhill Suites for several years and ate at TGI's quite a few times. That makes me sad.
Well dang. TGI Friday's was one of our kind of off the path go-to decompress, discuss, and have a Long Island Iced Tea spots. Lots of nostalgia there.