Trouble Purchasing a Four Day Badge
Posted by pmcginness


I am trying to purchase a four day badge for Gen Con this year. But when I click on that option nothing is added to my cart. Even when I click on the other options, nothing happens. I tried using two different broswers on my Mac to see if that would work. but still nothing. Help!

Patrick M.

Posted by marimaccadmin

You would definitely need to email [email protected] for assistance. :)

Posted by mikeboozer pmcginness

pmcginness wrote:
I am trying to purchase a four day badge for Gen Con this year. But when I click on that option nothing is added to my cart. Even when I click on the other options, nothing happens. I tried using two different broswers on my Mac to see if that would work. but still nothing. Help!
Patrick M.

Have you resolved this issue? If not please  email us at [email protected].

Mike Boozer
Customer Service & Volunteer Manager
Gen Con LLC

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