Just a note, checking on mobile doesn't seem to work. Checked on my desktop all good.
Not sure if you have put this up there yet but not seeing the option to roll badge forward to 2022? I know that is my plan as this new date in Sept did not work for me.
If that was to open, might help with the re-shuffle so those already planning to roll our badges to 22 can do so and help you re-calculate what is left.
Thx Sam
_____________________________________ Alec Usticke, Fans of Gen Con Facebook Group
These kinds of questions are always written like you're giving it to a friend.
But, what would actually happen in a lot of cases is that people would start scalping these things at inflated prices. Do we really want that? I think most of the current rules around the housing portal, etc., are designed to avoid these types of outcomes -- which is a good thing, in my opinion.
The other person should buy a badge through the normal process. If they can't do that, it's because there are supply & demand challenges. And, if that is true, everyone wanting a badge should have a fair chance to get one.
I don't know if this will be an option on the website. From what I understand, the way to do it is to email [email protected] with your info & attendee number.
Please provided the following:
All rollover requests must include your choice of action for your badge(s), the name on each badge, and the Gen Con ID account number for the account used to make the purchase (find it to the right of your name in the corner when you are logged in at gencon.com).
Is there a cut off date established for rolling badges to 2022?
Thanks. Missed that obviously.
Badge Registration for Gen Con Indy
Opens May 23 at noon Eastern A limited number of 4-Day and single-day badges for Gen Con Indy will go on sale at noon Eastern on Sunday, May 23.
In-person attendance will be capped to comply with local, state, and national public-health and safety guidelines, and 4-Day badges are anticipated to sell out quickly. Once they do, no further 4-Day badges will be offered this year, but additional inventory of single-day badges may become available based on changing health and safety guidelines.
All attendees who have rolled over their badge from 2020 are guaranteed a badge and will have their badges rolled over on their accounts automatically.
Registration for Gen Con Online and Pop-Up Gen Con will open on June 27, 2021.Check out the press release for more information and FAQs!
Reminder: May 16 Is the Deadline To Roll Your Badge Over to 2022 If you currently have a badge but either cannot or choose not to attend the 2021 convention and want to roll your badge over to 2022, you have until May 16 to let us know.
All badge rollover requests must reach us [email protected] by May 16. Include your Gen Con ID# (Next to your name on your account) and the name(s) on the badges to be rolled over.
Customer Service: [email protected]
Will we be allowed to "piece together" a four-day badge by purchasing single-day badges for Thurs.-Sun. if there are no more four-day badges available? I know it would cost more, but if the four-days run out and there's no other way, that might be the only way to attend the full con.
Yeah, this is only a Plan B, but with so many unknowns, it's nice to have in the back pocket.
When I click on my name at the top of the webpage, my home page says "Congratulations, you have a badge for 2021." On the "My Packets" page, it shows the date and time I purchased a badge, which happens to be 2020.
Might have missed this but, I plan on just submitting a request to roll the badge over given I doubt I'll be able to do 4 days this year.
If you were going to try to get a day or two pass, should you just use a different account to purchase and leave the rollover account alone or will you be able to still use your account to purchase a 2021 pass with a rolled over 2022 badge?