Looking to join a Gaming Group?
Posted by locrpg

Hello! I'm the E/O for Legends of Cascadon. We run workshops for GMs and this year we're branching out into a workshop for players. We also run games, typically Pathfinder, 5E, and homebrew.

If you want support from a game group, consider LoC! (www.locrpg.com)

  • We will help you submit events
  • Support you during prep
  • Playtest adventures
  • Remind you to eat at the Con
  • Provide emotional/mental support!
  • Help you get a free badge!

We are excited to help GMs run games at Gen Con and support new GMs as you figure out how the whole thing works. Gen Con is an event like no other, and as such, it can be equally daunting and rewarding to run games there. 

Interested? Reply to the thread! Go to the site! Send us an email!

Posted by terraspaz

Sent in an email!  I'm planning on running some board game events, hopefully that's not too out of scope?

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